Thursday, February 3, 2011

When you have a bad day...

You know one of those days as a mom when you feel like you've accomplished nothing? Yeah.

While I wouldn't trade my mom role nor my children for anything in the world, there are some days that by 6pm I want to throw in the towel. A day like today.

From the bickering and fighting between my two darlings at 7am this morning, to the 4 times I cleaned up the entire living room and kitchen after them by 9am... the couple of cross checks to the head with a hockey stick... 3 shitty diapers... a little munchkin who wouldn't nap... a trip to Walmart to get much needed hair cuts, only to find out once I got there that the hair shop was closed... pack em back in the rig... head to the mall... wait 45 minutes for haircuts there, which means chasing them all over the friggin place, including Dear Son's debut in the display window of not 1, but 2 stores...


Finally get them home, make supper... after a half hour they still haven't eaten enough to fill a mosquito and are asking for hot dogs instead.

Wash more dishes... tidy up some more... cook, then feed them the #MomFail dogs...

Struggle with them over baths... bed time...

sigh's days like these, especially when Daddy is working late all week, that I want to run and hide... run and escape...

But yet I'm sitting here with a glass of Diet Coke and my iPad...

a momentary escape

"MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!! MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE JUST............"

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Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my post! ~Dawn